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The Second Mission




 The Second Mission






ISBN: 1591607213
ISBN-13: 9781591607212

Format: Paperback, 324pp

Publisher: Xulon Press

Pub. Date: August 2003


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  If You Could Go Back in Time, What Events Would You Want to Live?
The Second Mission is a unique and revolutionary historical novel.  Novelist, L. D. Alford, implants not just history but literature into his newest book about the last days of Socrates.  The Second Mission is an engrossing Christian worldview novel that takes the unprecedented step of enveloping the reader in the time, culture, literature, and politics of ancient Greece.  It uses a C. H. Lewis-like style to pull the reader into the real history of the era in a manner unlike any novel written before.
The Second Mission explores time through the eyes of humankind’s second mission into the past.  In the year 399 B.C. the city-state of Athens was the hub of a new political system.  It was a cultural axis for art, poetry, and law.  It was the heart of the science of philosophy—and philosophers.  And the death of Socrates was the pivotal moment that drew the second mission.
The Second Mission reveals the unintentional journey of a modern man, Alan Fisher, into time.  He is an accidental and unwilling participant in humankind’s second greatest adventure.  Sophia, the actual time agent, became his reluctant guide.  She had trained ten years to become Sophia, a Greek woman of 399 B.C.  The second mission was her mission, and she did not want to share it with anyone.  Now she was responsible for her mission as well as the survival of the interloper, Alan.  They were linked together for better or worse in the second most important mission of mankind.  For one year of history, 400 to 399 B.C., in the city-state of Athens in the place now called Greece, neither Alan nor Sophia could return to their own times.
Alan discovered the purpose of the second mission was observation and verification—to record the words and death of Socrates.  This was the second most important historical research to future generations.  Although Sophia would share little information about the future with Alan, he discovered the purpose of the first mission, and that information changed his life forever.
Alan Fisher, marooned in time, turned into Sophia’s greatest hope for success and, because of the first mission, Sophia became Alan’s greatest hope of spiritual deliverance.  The first mission changed Sophia’s world, and the second mission would also change the future of mankind.

L. D. Alford draws the reader into the world of Socrates’ Athens in the year 399 B.C.  In this world, the ancient eclipses the modern and world of the Athenian philosophers becomes real—real to the characters of the novel and real to the reader.
For the Student
The Second Mission distinctively brings to life Socrates, Plato, and the School of Hellas.  It is an electrifying adventure story that provides a stimulating method to introduce and place into context the Socratic dialogues: Euthyphro, Cratylus, Crito, Phaedo, and The Apology of Socrates.  Students will find the renditions of these works fresh and exciting.  Everyone will find the ideas, transplanted and accentuated by modern dialogue, inspiring and resonating.




Ancient Greece: Through the Eyes of Socrates

Where: East Wichita Shepherd's Center

             4407 East Douglas

             Wichita, KS  67218

             316 682-0504

When:  Fall Semester 2009

             Tuesdays 10:15 to 11:15 a.m.

What:   Session #1 - Ancient Greece - Introduction

            Session #2 - Ancient Greece - Time and Place

            Session #3 - Ancient Greece - Paganism and Musterion

            Session #4 - Ancient Greece - Greek Life

            Session #5&6 - Ancient Greece - Socrates

            Session #7 - Ancient Greece - Socrates' Death

            Session #8 - Ancient Greece - Conclusion




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The Second Mission


Meet the Author

  L. D. Alford is a novelist whose writing explores with originality those cultures and societies we think we already know.  His writing distinctively explores the connections between present events and history—he combines them with threads of reality that bring the past alive.  L. D. Alford is familiar with technology and cultures—he is widely traveled and earned a B.S. in Chemistry from Pacific Lutheran University, an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Boston University, and a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Dayton, and is a graduate of Air War College, Air Command and Staff College, and the USAF Test Pilot School.  L. D. Alford is an author who combines intimate scientific and cultural knowledge into fiction worlds that breathe reality.




  Novels by this Author
       The Second Mission (Available now)
       Centurion   (Available now published by OakTara)
       Aegypt            (Available now published by OakTara)


The Dragon and the Fox


                     (Available now published by OakTara)



The End of Honor               The Fox’s Honor               A Season of Honor 






  L.D. Alford is the author of 41 technical papers published in international journals on flight test, military policy, flight safety, space, and cyberwar.  Technical Writing
  L.D. Alford has been a professional aviator for over 30 years.  Aviation Writing

L.D. Alford Aviation Writing Technical Writing Unpublished Novels Writing Links Engineer


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